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Taking care of the earth 

Episode 2 

In addition to the appreciation of the spiritual world, for the U'wa, Guna Dule and Pastos peoples, one of the most important aspects in the conception of The Living Well is the correct material and spiritual relationship with Mother Earth, giver of life and foundation of the existence of all the elements of the material world. In this generic sense, territories are not only geographic spaces with natural resources, but sacred spaces of political organization, own authority, own language and a complex set of cultural knowledge and practices.


Kaj aba obiryakaro

Taking care of the earth

U´wa Indigenous People

A filmmaking by Marly Caceres Uncacia

Director: Marly Cáceres Uncacía

Thinkers of the U'wa people of the Sierra Nevada del Cocuy show and explain the importance that the territory where they live is free from threats, such as oil exploitation, and spiritually care

Guardians of the seeds

Pastos Indigenous People

A filmmaking by Audiovisuales Pastas

Director: Mauricio Telpiz Quitiaquez

The chagreras and seed custodians of the Pasto de Nariñoo people show and explain the importance of food sovereignty for the body and the territory health, based on the traditional chagras and the orchards of medicinal plants.


Galu Dugbis

The memory of the grandmothers

Guna Dule Indigenous People

A filmmaking by SentARTE Producciones

Director: Olowaili Green Santacruz

The women of three generations of the Guna Dule people of the Uraba, Antioquia, who symbolize Mother Earth, sing and weave molas to take care of the planet.




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